Friday, July 22, 2011

National Parent's Day

I just uploaded some pictures, and found these gems on my Mom's camera. I've yet to sit down and hear all the tales about their trip to NYC, but the photos had me laughing and "aww"ing whilst viewing them. 

The UK has an entire week devoted to celebrating family. Who knew! The U.S. has national Cherry month, Penguin Awareness Day, and even Grandparents Day! Now, according to Mad Man Mike, I'm approximately one day early for National Parent's Day. Excellent.

So, here's a post dedicated to the rents and their recent trip. Madeline, I hope you get a kick out of some of these :) 

...Moments before Mom got worried. Anyone see the airplane scene in "Bridesmaids"? Yup. That would be her!

That's my Dad and sister. 

He's a pretty jolly guy. And we like that about him. 

That's my Ma. If Mrs. Weasley was American, I'd like to think she would resemble my mom. 

My parents kind of oddly match all the time. How married, right? 

They like old things. Like this stone block. And each other! (Did I mention they're kind enough to put up with my humor?)

Even Sir Grdina can admit to needing a map. 

Thats 3/5 of ma fam! What a bunch!

Huh. This pose looks familiar... 

Did I mention my family likes posing with food? What can we say! Mom likes to capture every moment!

 And sometimes that can get a little annoying... 

But at the day's end, they're always there to lean on each other. 

And that's why we love them! So, Happy Almost Parent's Day, friends! Maybe it's the Greg Laswell playing in the background, but family always gets me all sentimental. And if you're not as close to yours as you'd like to be, then you can always share mine! Heavens knows there is plenty of love to go around, and I heard Ma just got a new memory card. 
How convenient!

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