Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall is here

Welcome, Fall! It's nice to have you back. Next time, how about leaving some homework behind? 

Sincerely, a swamped college kid

But before I go, a very serious question... 

How do you eat your candy corn: by the layers bite for bite, a handful tossed back, or baked into a sweet treat like the one above? 

(photo courtesy of best homemade desserts)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tunes Tuesday: Foster the People

Spotted: Foster the People working their magic on the season premiere of Gossip Girl last night. Will day one's soundtrack live up to the entire season? Or are the tunes destined to wash out like a Midwestern storm? With S in L.A. and B planning a wedding all by her lonesome, this fashionable pair has a lot more to consider than who's eating what flavored yogurt on the steps of The Met this season. And speaking of food, could one of these girls be eating for two? Only time will tell... 


Monday, September 26, 2011

My Milk Toof

This is quite possibly one of the cutest little books I ever did see.

Hoosiers, have you ever been to the art shop in the Art Museum on campus? I found the most adorable book there earlier and had to share with all of you! 

Check out the story posted on the author's blog. Here's a sneak peek... 

Lardee, one of the teeth, gets very sick. (Watch how cute he is as he burrows further into his pillow!)

In an effort to get his friend to eat, Ickle reads him a story... 

where he goes on a little adventure and is named Sir Lardee.

Curious to see if he eats his soup? Want to buy some Fall merchandise? Read more here!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Have a fashionable week

"Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life" - quoted movie man 

Bill Cunningham dropped out of Harvard University to pursue a life in fashion. His impromptu street shots are the stuff of legends. And now there's a movie about him. 

I had the film jotted down, and was reminded of it when my friend Avery told me how much she loved it! So... it must get watched! Watch the trailer here.

Looking for any more fashion related films? Check out 
R.J Cutler's "The September Issue." My sister and I loved it!

"A Model Professor"

How about this diddy from New York Times's magazine?

Ashley Mears went from model to sociologist to undercover sociologist posing as a model. 
Now that's a professor I would like to have in college! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Platonic Love Stories by Pictory

Where would we be in life without our very best (platonic) friends? 

Pictory featured photos of people 
"who are still friends with you despite your seventh grade yearbook photo," 
and I think it was one of the most sincere projects yet!

"Jimi reminds me that being a kid is necessary..." 

"Whenever our next meeting comes, I will teach you to ride a bike, 
and you will teach me one more Chinese character." 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cool wedding invites

Dear Matt and Lauren, 

I think your wedding invites are really nifty. 
Have room for one more? 

Sincerely, a big fan of your graphic design

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tunes Tuesday: Marvin and Tammi

Classes are picking up with quizzes, papers, and exams galore. Nothing like some Marvin and Tammi to brighten a day weighed down with homework and responsibility!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Gluten haters beware

Who doesn't love a good carbohydrate? 
And who doesn't love stacks of finely cut deli meats, cheeses, spreads and produce placed oh-so lovingly in between said carbohydrate? 

I highly recommend flipping through the first pages of 
Just make sure you've got two slices of bread and whatever your heart desires at the ready! Me? I'd go for the PB&J.

Bottom photo courtesy of
I warn you, do NOT check out this website if you are the least bit hungry or have anything of relative importance that needs finishing.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A decade after 9/11

"This is an extremely media-savvy generation... They are extremely connected globally, and more engaged in events all over the planet than any other generation in history." 
- Chris Caruso from The Christian Science Monitor

"With all we know now: how to begin to address the enormity of the event? Our solution was not to shrink from its scale but to embrace it... It's neither a first draft of history nor a verdict - just a set of impressions from some point in between."
- From New York Magazine's 9/11 Encyclopedia. 

top photo from instagram

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Modcloth, where have you been all my life?

Pardon me while I wipe the drool from my mouth from how cute this Modcloth dress is! I see it now with flats and tights - worn in any variety of ways! How have I never visited this site before? Anyone order anything from here...? 

Speaking of versatile Fall clothes, check out some of J.Crew's new looks! (30% off until this Friday!)

This little number is featured in the "weekend" look. ...Dang, wish I looked this trendy on the weekends. 

Lovin the colored denim! Still looking for a pair to rock in the cool weather, though. 

I foresee cable knits as making a big comeback this Fall. They're just so dang classic. 
Did they ever go out of style? 

Happy shopping! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sharpie wallpaper

Would you ever sharpie your walls? Answer: yes, yes, I would. 
But only if I could guarantee it would look this cool! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cinnamon roll coma

What are your favorite treats on a cold day? I just ate a cinnamon roll the size of a tiny child (think Chipotle burrito here), and oh damn, was it good! 

I'd love to try this recipe for a group of friends. 

Tunes Tuesday: Little Dragon

This music video is so sad. I love the music, but won't listen to it often because it seems to lower ya spirits, don't you think? 

p.s. Cool shadow puppetry! Wonder how long it took to create. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Looking forward to Fall

The heat finally broke here in Bloomington, and a few trees have started changing colors! Hooray for Fall! Here are a few long-awaited shares that always make me excited for the new season...

1. Cool scarves

2. Leaves changing colors - they make a long walk to class that much better!

3. Tights! Patterned, solid, with flats or heels, in New York or the Midwest, they're just too dang versatile! 
3.5 The return of Gossip Girl on Monday, Sept. 26!

4. Warm teas and coffees like Starbucks's pumpkin spice latte on a cold day all bundled up - yum! 

What are you most excited about this Fall? 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cool wallpaper

Cute wallpaper, right? 

It's made of stickers!

I would never have guessed!