Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cognac and Socks

Cleaning movie theaters this Summer has showed me just how messy some people can be! Oy. Alas, I have decided that people don't get paid to throw their popcorn out. So, there is not much incentive beyond the kindness in their heart to clean up after themselves.

Every once in awhile, I'll find a quarter or... Well, actually, finding money is probably the only thing that makes cleaning theaters tolerable.

That being said, I found the most hilarious items yet all Summer: socks and a bottle of cognac (not in the same theater). Who leaves socks in a movie theater!? I was wondering - did they bring them with in case their feet got cold? Did they take them off mid-movie and left them there? Do they have OCD and wore them on their hands when they used the bathroom? Guess I'll never know. And to be perfectly honest, I'm surprised I haven't found more alcohol with all the hoodlums runnin' around these days.

Maybe tomorrow I'll find more than $1.25, but for now, tonight's finds have me laughin'!

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