Monday, August 22, 2011

Happy birthday, sis!

A very happy birthday to my sister Genevieve today! 

I usually get asked a lot if I hate sharing my birthday, do you? Granted, I wasn't too happy when you were the big 2-1 on my sweet 16, I wouldn't have it any other way! There's always someone to call, and share the fun of your birthday! So, here's to rocking our twenties together!

p.s. How related do we look here? Answer: super related!
p.p.s. I'm definitely taller. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww--thanks, Em! This is such a sweet post. And I agree--it's fun sharing our birthday!

    Also, there is NO way that I am THAT much shorter than I?! (Were you wearing heels in that pic?)
