Welcome back, friends! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Mine was full of lots of Modern Family watching, family bonding, and of course eating! For the first Thanksgiving ever, I was the only Grdina sister home. It was strange, but it made the anticipation for Christmas (the first time we will all be reunited since May '10) that much better!
Allow me to share some of the fun...
Look at that bird!
If the Grdina family knows how to do one thing, it's a dessert table!
We were lucky enough to have some fam call over the iPhone.
Nothing like technology bringing people together!
Mom had everyone fill out grateful cards that included things like: my favorite food, who I am most thankful for today, and the like. My cousin Joey wrote he was most thankful for the rocket launcher my Dad plans to get him for Christmas. Haha!
The night ended with a game of Blokus. I'm the undefeated champion. Ahem, was the undefeated champion... but let's not go there.
Thanksgiving Break was such a tease, wasn't it? Only twenty-eight days until Christmas! And even less until the Grdina family is reunited!